Moments of Celebration

Moments of Celebration

“Every day is a good day. There is something to learn, care and celebrate.” 
– Amit Ray

Birthdays. Holidays. Anniversaries. Personal Achievements. All note-worthy events and typically the moments which come to mind when we think of "celebrations."

Yet, these opportunities to celebrate are scattered throughout the year with weeks and months of potential hum-drum days that could become a bit more magical, if we choose.

Did you know that celebrating releases neurotransmitters in our brain related to increased happiness? Oxytocin - known as the "love hormone" - is also released, which helps strengthen social bonds and connectedness to others.

So, let's be a bit happier each day. Let's find moments to celebrate even the small wins. What can you celebrate today? 




Token Clothing Company™ was created to help every woman recognize her value and beauty and celebrate who she is in this very moment while seeking to reach her potential. 

Through the intentional application of Intelligent Fashion™, each product reflects "I AM" language (supported by neuroscience research) and is designed to lift and edify mindset and transform negative outcomes to positive outcomes. 

Pajamas With Purpose™ & I AM Tees™  are two apparel lines that provide you with a beautiful, transformative experience which results in self-love, self-appreciation, and self-confidence.

The Journal of "I AM" for Teenage Girls is a beautifully-crafted, interactive, journal workbook for 13-18 year old girls which provides step-by-step instructions to positivity practices in thought awareness and mindset reframing, visualization, goal-setting, and reflection. What girl do you know who needs increased confidence and self-love?

The 7-Day Gratitude Challenge, which has been referenced in blogposts over the past 7 weeks, is designed to increase optimism, joy, and health and well-being by focusing on and celebrating in the blessings we experience in our lives. 




Perhaps the pinnacle of Token Clothing Company's mission and product is our Pay It Forward With Pajamas initiative. We celebrate the incredible women of Refuge for Women who have overcome profound trauma and are still bringing their light and missions to the world. We each have the humble opportunity to spread goodness by encouraging and loving these souls among us. 

As well-known singer and songwriter David Matthews declared, “Celebrate we will because life is short but sweet for certain we’re climbing two by two to be sure these days continue.” We each need the help and goodness of one another. As we extend our help, there is good to be celebrated each day.



We can all improve celebrating - even ourselves. As we tend to celebrate others, please remember yourself!  Here are a few ideas to help you be more excellent in this joyful experience:

  • Praise yourself for your effort. Perfection or mastery in a task is not required. Recognize your effort and use powerful self-talk to congratulate and encourage yourself. What would you say to your child or a friend? Say it to you!
  • Create your own victory dance. And be ready to share it!
  • Express gratitude for those who helped you. Let them relish in the moments of your celebration.
  • Give yourself self-care. Take the bath, get the massage, feast on the dinner. Rewarding yourself appropriately to acknowledge your efforts and to keep the momentum going toward your next feat.



Take a moment (at least) each day to express gratitude for who you are and who you are becoming. Expressing gratitude for yourself is a mighty way to celebrate the beauty of you. Say it aloud, "I love and appreciate you,_[your name here]_."  Say it again and again and again. :-)


Remember - you are divine and loved. You are beautiful, worthy, and strong.


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