Courage Always

Courage Always

The 1828 Webster's Dictionary defines courage as, "that quality of mind which enables men to encounter danger and difficulties with firmness, or without fear or depression of spirits." We all experience coming face-to-face with dragons, demons, and nemeses of all sorts and shapes.  In those moments, our choices not only define the outcomes of a situation, they influence and mold us into who we become. When we choose courage to do what is right (even when it's hard), we are choosing to transcend to a place only heroes know. 


I'm going to take a brief portion of this blog post to share with you a piece of the courage (still) required in my business journey.

Token Clothing Company™ was launched in 2021 as a formal business with our online store launching for product sales in October 2022. Between the time of prototyping our first line - Pajamas With Purpose™ - and full production, mill and factory costs increased by 60%. These results were primarily a result of global shutdowns due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and of course, I questioned the wisdom in moving forward in an unprecedented economy. During this timeline, I also had the opportunity to move to the U.S. Virgin Islands and work as a speech-language pathologist, which would have been a dream adventure as I love snorkeling and scuba-diving. 

Courage was required to take a leap of faith on surging into an unknown outcome in business and put tropical waters to the side. And honestly, every day seems to require courage of sorts as I seek to transform the fashion industry into a platform for mental health and wellness

My journey has been one of loneliness, frustration, and exhaustion. AND, it's been one of unexpected opportunities, increasing clarity, determination, and grit. By choice, courage has become a foundational bedrock whereby I keep building my dreams and influence for good each day. 



Joan of Arc is an exemplar of beautiful courage in the face of fierce opposition. Born in 1412, she was only 13 years old when she received a divine revelation that she should lead the French armies to victory over the English which turned the tide of the Hundred Years' War and placed Charles VII on the French throne. 

Joan did not have military or leadership experience as she led and rallied her troops to raise the siege of Orleans just 9 days after their arrival into the town, which was a pivotal moment in the war.

Despite the impossibility of a young woman leading military troops in battle, Joan  took courage in fulfilling the direction she received from heavenly beings in her vision; and multiple, miraculous events throughout her quest confirmed the divinity of her mission.

Joan was captured, sentenced to death as a heretic, and burned at the stake in 1431 for courageously defending her visions and direction from God to liberate France (which is exactly what she accomplished). In 1456, Joan's conviction was ruled invalid and she was proclaimed a martyr. 

Joan of Arc exemplifies the beauty of a soul who is dedicated to following divine invitations and increasing freedom and prosperity for others despite opposition every step of the way. We can all be more like Joan. 


Courage is always required as we dream big and take a step into the dark, especially as many of us have the tendency to only see past failures and question our abilities and our luck. 

As this blog post will highlight the last of our 7-Day Gratitude Challenge practices, I'm grateful we saved Day 6 - Future Blessings - for last. The practice of visualizing and feeling gratitude for the blessings, the dreams, and the hopes we desire has incredible power to help us recognize and increase goodness in our lives.

As I applied this practice of mindfully envisioning scenes of receiving and stewarding my desired blessings over the past week, I discovered the following:

  • Every blessing I envisioned is a gift from God. The feelings of gratitude I elicited in visualizing future blessings were specifically toward Him and His grace and mercy and goodness.
  • I began to see how the dark moments in my life prepared me to receive the desired blessings. The blessings were more precious because of the opposition I endured and overcame. 
  • My faith increased in God's willingness to grant me these blessings. I've always believed in His power, yet trusting His willingness has been a struggle for me. If I trust in His willingness and timing, I am more prepared to receive.
  • My optimism increased! This practice truly added spark and joy to my day.



Although a concept we might associate with super-heroes, courage is a trait science has studied (a bit). Here are a few interesting considerations as we seek to become more excellent in our courageous actions:

  • Courage includes accepting reality, problem-solving, and pushing beyond ongoing struggles
  • Courage is promoted by both intrapersonal (occurring within a person's mind and self) and interpersonal (relationships/communication between people) forces 
  • A courageous mindset can be developed
  • Describing ourselves as "courageous" helps us act more courageously
  • Courage is an effective response (in the presence of fear) in increasing positive educational outcomes 
  • Our values, and sense of honor, integrity, and loyalty can increase courageous actions



“Courage does not always roar, sometimes it’s the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, I will try again tomorrow.” ~Mary Anne Radmacher

Keep trying, friends.


And remember - you are divine and loved. You are beautiful, worthy, and strong.


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