The Magic of Joy
If you want to increase your joy, increase your gratitude.
In a (2017) 2-month study of university students examining the relationship between joy and gratitude, researchers concluded:
- The disposition (mood/tendency) of gratitude increases the trait of joy over time
- Joy predicts increases in gratitude
- Joy is associated with increases in subjective well-being
A beautiful upward spiral takes place when we focus on the joyful moments and gifts in life - our appreciation and gratitude for those moments and gifts increases. And, as we focus on what we appreciate, our joy increases. Magic!
Joy can be cultivated every single day. Even on the dismal and not-so-fun ones. Consider these strategies to increase your joy:
- Ponder what brings you delight or makes you happy- write it down, put pictures on a vision board, create a list in a note app - just become clear, so you can more effectively choose to focus on these things each day
- Prioritize joyful experiences and moments and schedule them into your calendar, whether it be for 5 minutes or 5 hours
- Recognize and accept the spontaneous moments in your day that create opportunity for joy - being willing to say, "Yes!"
- Discover something new - a song, a book, a second-hand eclectic store, a solution - novelty often increases our experience with joy
- Savor the small delights - a refreshing sip of lemonade, the smell of a pine tree, the warmth of a fireplace, the attention of your beloved pet
- Remember to express daily gratitude for the good things in your life - HERE is a simple way to increase gratitude
- Pay attention to the aspects of your environment (what you hear, see, participate in) that lead to negative thoughts and positively change your environment, as needed

What are your FAVORITE things?
Research shows when we focus on writing and acknowledging the things in our lives we're grateful for instead of focusing on irritations or things that displease us, we become more optimistic and feel better about our lives. So, Day 4 of our 7-Day Gratitude Challenge invites us to focus on that which we might be most grateful for - our "Favorite Things."
Last week, as I began journaling about my favorite things in life, I recognized these feelings:
- gratitude for the variety, choices, and people I'm blessed with in the world
- gratitude I am able to actively participate and experience good things on a daily and weekly basis - especially with others
- joy in thinking about each favorite thing - enough to dissipate the burden of current challenges and transport me from my mundane to-do list to a space of thankfulness and hope
- a desire to share these favorite things with others (and listen to their favorite things) in efforts to strengthen relationship bonds
The proverb, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder," is magnified in each of us as we recognize our favorite things in life that bring us joy. I encourage you to spend a few moments today in grateful contemplation on your favorite things.
Project Spread Joy was initiated during Covid-19 shutdowns when the founder lost his grandmother and realized the significant need for older adults to have regular and lasting social connections.
Knowing he needed to take action to alleviate this crippling situation, Drake Griffith organized Project Spread Joy with two specific goals:
The organization has recruited hundreds of teenage volunteers, sent over 8000 letters to senior citizens in almost 20 states, and initiated multiple donation drives for low-income senior citizens.
I know my version of excellence in music, books, art and so on will be different than yours. However, I'd like to share a few of my current "favorites" which almost always bring me JOY! They inspire, teach, incite curiosity, and invite change - all toward increased positivity and joyful performance. I encourage you to take a few moments and create and share your own list with friends, family, and strangers. Share the JOY and encourage others to do the same!
-Huberman Lab: Conversations and strategies based in science that help me (and you) make informed decisions to live healthier lives.
-Motivation with Brendon Burchard: Encouraging and thought-provoking questions to move the needle in my performance each week.
-School of Joy (Ingrid F. Lee): I love her weekly email newsletters! I always find at least one nugget (and usually, more) that invite me to smile and expand my view of joy in our world.
-Free Swim (Jesse Itzler): His weekly 1-page stories are comical and insightful and remind us to go for it!
Recent Books
-Built To Move: Simple, yet profound practices which will help you and I move our bodies well, now, and as we age.
-The Brain That Changes Itself: I'm a neuroscience nerd (and I unabashedly admit this) and this has to be one of the most exciting and hopeful books I've read about our extraordinary brain!
-Unlocked: Recently released, this succinct and powerful book guides you through uncovering foundational beliefs and paradigms that are limiting your progression while providing transformational steps to unlock the best within you.
-The Boy, the Mole, the Fox, and the Horse: After being mesmerized by video shorts on social media, a friend gifted this beautiful and endearing storybook to me several weeks ago.
Music & Meditation (I could list 100...so these are in the top 10 as I write this)
-Black Market Trust: After falling in love with this gypsy jazz band over a decade ago in an intimate, barn-turned-stage concert, they are my number one music go-to for "happy" and "fun."
-Enchanted Violet Garden: I first heard this meditative song in a yoga class a year ago and frequently play it during my morning meditations.
Instagram Accounts
-hellolovelypeople_: Pretty, fun, and colorful, these therapeutic short videos of guided watercolor design give me hope in my own (very) novice artistic skills.
-nepiatm and harrison.keefe: I laugh aloud watching their dance videos while still applauding their footwork and jamming to the music, myself.
Joy can be yours. Today. And tomorrow. And each day forward.
"The joy we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the focus of our lives." -Russell M. Nelson
Focus on the good, on the blessings and gifts in your life. Focus on offering your gratitude for these things and observe the magic of joy increase in your life!
What is one blessing you can express gratitude for, now?
Remember - you are divine and loved. You are beautiful, worthy, and strong.